Clockwork devices were the semiconductors of the Second World War.  Both Germany and the Allies relied on Swiss jewel bearings to automate weapons such as bomb fuses and magnetic mines.  Switzerland’s position in the 1940s was a bit like Taiwan’s situation today:  a high-tech economy that produces crucial components and is very close to a dangerous neighbor.  In this game, you must use Switzerland’s economy, banking sector, and forbidding terrain to deter both Axis and Allied invasions.  Good luck! 

Please note that you need to increase your support level to 6 in the Neutral Countries box to cut off Axis Allies supply lines.  

The parallels between Switzerland in the 1940s and Taiwan in the 2020s are striking.  

Both countries operated high-tech economies that produced components at the heart of state-of-the-art weaponry.  Taiwan dominates the production of high-end microprocessors in modern smart weapons.  Similarly, the Swiss manufactured most of the world's jewel bearings.  Jewel bearings kept the tiny gears inside clockwork devices running smoothly.  All of the high-end weapons of the Second World War used clockwork devices to add a primitive level of intelligence.  For instance, cutting-edge WWII anti-aircraft guns used AAA shells with clockwork timers in their fuses.  A calculation device (not quite a computer!) connected to a radar would calculate the number of seconds to set for each fuse to ensure that the shell detonated at the altitude of the target aircraft.  You can see an illustration of one of these fuses in the game.  Both the Allies and the Germans used these kinds of timer fuses in their anti-aircraft shells.  Both got the jewel bearings they needed from Switzerland.

Switzerland, like Taiwan, also had a neighbor that talked a lot about invading and annexing it.  Switzerland was just another Austria to Hitler: a country of ethnic Germans that belonged inside the Reich.  In response, both countries pursued variations on a national redoubt strategy.  For instance, both the Swiss and the Taiwanese have built air bases inside mountains.  This strategy is partly an attempt to mitigate China and Germany’s massive military superiority.  However, it also reflects the diplomatic isolation of both countries.  Switzerland needed to uphold its tradition of neutrality, while Taiwan cannot enter into formal alliances without declaring independence and triggering a war with China.  Neither country is close enough to a powerful friendly country that could help it in the event of invasion. 


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this isnt your hexbased war games but I'm making an account to tell you I've spent countless hours making stuff on your usergames option on your hexgames

Oh wow!  What kind of games are you making?  Can we see some screen shots?

I usually make fictional scenarios, this ones from a HOI4 mod called The New Order. Ukraine can revolt from German control but it's impossible in the game to win, so I made a really difficult scenario here.  Usually I don't even win my own games. 

Thanks for sharing!  Yup, you are going to have a hard time winning that game.  


Refugees and Operation Dragoon seem to be critical cards (I see them in the Menu) but they never show up in the game - I tested this out by just discarding every turn and sure enough they didn't show. Without these it's impossible to hold back the Axis Allies or win.. Is there some hidden rule here, after which they'll be unlocked?


Both of those cards enter your deck on turn 50.  You need to find a way to prevent invasion and feed your population until the war turns against Germany.  Also, you need to increase your support level to 6 in the Neutral Countries box to stop the Axis Allies.  That should buy you enough time to start growing your own food and being able to feed more refugees.  The Swiss imported over 50% of their food at the beginning of the war.  

Nice - I like how this game changes over time, and remains tense up till the end.. Was really satisfying turning my meadows into farms and turning into a more self sustaining country - I really felt that dynamic! There's really a feel of holding off these forces, hoping to out last them. Great stuff!  


Thanks!  That is the vibe we were going for.  At the end of the day, this is a game about staying neutral by making high-end watches.  I am glad to hear we found a way to make that exciting!

You got the OSS and MI6 confused with each other. 

What do you do about the cards that you can't block? I tried beefing up the neutral countries, but that does nothing. 


You need to get to a support level of 6 to cut off the Axis Allies supply lines.  This will stop their advance.  Basically, you need to build up your alpine bunkers early in the game to survive.  

(1 edit)

So I got neutral countries to 6 and they still fell to the card you can't block. 

Nevermind, I didn't die. I got a draw. 

Yes.  The Italians might occupy the valley, but the Swiss are still inside their mountain fortresses, shelling the railway lines.  The Swiss plan was to hide inside bunkers in the mountains and wait for the allies.  


Good catch!  Fixed.